Mega's complete line of lube truck bodies for rigid and articulated trucks are designed for stable operation, proper weight distribution and long life. Mega service bodies feature an integrated power system which uses fuel supplied directly from the platform fuel tank. The body is fully functional with the truck turned off, saving service meter hours, emissions and fuel consumption. The power system allows complete testing in the factory prior to field installation, minimizing labor cost and chassis integration issues. Every service body includes a complete set of technical manuals detailing installation, operation, maintenance, inspection and replacement parts. Mega bodies are constructed with premium materials and are inspected throughout the manufacturing process to ensure reliability.
Mega lube bodies can be purchased for integration with a dealer-provided truck or as a complete solution with a Mega-provided truck. Purchasing your complete solution directly from Mega streamlines the ordering process and significantly reduces the complexities related to delivery timing and shipping.
The general specifications below reflect nominal capacities for Mega standard configurations. Please contact our Mega Sales Team regarding shipping information and models not listed.
Product Tank 1 |
Product Tank 2 |
Product Tank 3 |
Product Tank 4 |
Product Tank 5 |
Product Tank 6 |
Used Oil | Coolant | Grease (lb/kg) | |
Gallons | 400 | 400 | 400 | 400 | 400 | 200 | 400 | 400 | 1,100 (lb) |
Liters | 1,500 | 1,500 | 1,500 | 1,500 | 1,500 | 750 | 1,500 | 1,500 | 500 (kg) |
Product Tank 1 |
Product Tank 2 |
Product Tank 3 |
Product Tank 4 |
Product Tank 5 |
Product Tank 6 |
Product Tank 7 |
Product Tank 8 |
Used Oil | Coolant | Grease (lb/kg) | |
Gallons | 500 | 500 | 500 | 500 | 500 | 500 | 250 | 250 | 500 | 500 | 1,100 (lb) |
Liters | 1,890 | 1,890 | 1,890 | 1,890 | 1,890 | 1,890 | 945 | 945 | 1,890 | 1,890 | 500 (kg) |
MLT bodies include the following sta ndard features. Feature specifications may vary by model. For additional information, contact our Mega Sales Team.
The Mega standard air compressor system provides an air tank with water vapor drain, dessicant filter, air dryer and regulator. It also includes a spring-rewind hose reel with threaded hose whip for customer supplied air chucks.
A cable to relocate your camera from the truck to the water tank.
Mega tanks pin directly to the rear pivot mounts of the truck. Line boring the rear pivot mounts ensures accurate direct pin installation of the tank. Mega tanks do not require welding to the frame. New pivot pins and shims are supplied with the tank.
The mobile control valve has a single CAN bus connection and precision software control which reduces wiring and hydraulic connection complexity. The system includes pressure, flow rate, soft start/stop troubleshooting feedback.
Mega tanks are abrasive blasted prior to application of anti-corrosive primer. The exterior top coat is color matched to the current manufacturers color.
The truck chassis is allowed to flex beneath the spring type front mounting tie downs. No welding is required to install these mounts.
Mega's grease tank includes:
Mega provides a ground-accessible storage cabinet for used oil filters.
The compact switch pad is located in the cab and includes the following features:
Mega tanks include LED lights for long life and low maintenance:
Mud flaps fore and aft of rear drive tires are standard equipment on all Mega MLT tanks.
Mega's new coolant system includes:
The new oil tank product systems include:
Mega protects your investment by providing a one-year warranty against defects in materials and workmanship. Extended warranties are available for purchase. Visit our Warranty Page for more information.
Mega's MLT platform structure includes:
The operator station, located at the left rear side of the reel cabinet, includes high and low volume diesel fuel dispensing nozzles, product dispensing nozzles and associated controls. Controls are provided for hose operation, fuel and product pumps, fuel register, integrated power system and LED compartment lighting. The dispensing station is segregated from the inner reel cabinet by a fairlead panel to reduce contamination. The lockable hinge door with door stays provides security and easy access. Benefits and features include:
The rear cabinet enclosure provides ground-level access via a lockable hinged door with door stays to:
Mega service bodies include an access ladder to the deck. Our standard ladder features tread grip rungs for a sure-footed grip and hand rails at the top of the ladder allowing access to the deck.
Our stainless steel, safety latch-style tank cover meets DOT 178.345.5 specifications. Breather filters are designed to prevent moisture and contaminants from entering the fuel tank.
Mega's reliable technician service screen provides the ability to service your machine with touch screen and video inputs. Features include:
Mega provides a complete set of technical manuals detailing installation, operation, maintenance, inspection and replacement parts. Additional manuals are available for purchase. Visit our Technical Manuals Page for more information.
The used oil system includes:
Your standard MLT body can be configured with these optional features. Availability and specifications may vary by model. For additional information, contact our Mega Sales Team.
Mega offers an additional grease tank and delivery system.
The additional lighting package provides two additional LED lights on the non-operational side of the tank.
Additional sets of manuals are available for purchase. Mega manuals include a complete set of technical manuals detailing installation, operation, maintenance, inspection and replacement parts. Visit our Technical Manuals Page for more information.
Mega offers complete factory installation for all articulated and smaller rigid frame truck models for both customer-supplied and Mega-supplied chassis. Factory installation includes complete commissioning prior to delivery.
The Mega grease delivery system includes a hydraulically-driven pump and spring-rewind hose reel. Mega offers a high pressure low volume system for zerks and a low pressure high volume system for bulk grease delivery.
Mega offers electro-hydraulic upgrades to the standard, spring-rewind hose reels with hose diameters one inch or larger.
The Mega Product Support team offers on-site technical assistance, service advice and training to facilitate installation and reduce field assembly and component repair time.
The pressure washer system includes:
Product dispensing guns include anti-drip hose whips. The electronic or mechanical dial meter with resetting totalizer helps dispense precise amounts of products and aids in tracking material usage.
Mega offers insulated and uninsulated tank enclosures, as well as a heating system for product tanks.